Haringey Council
Haringey Council's marketing communications team saved £2.1M
In 2010-11 Haringey Council’s marketing communications design & print team (MCDP) undertook an ambitious programme to change the way the council plans and fulfi ls its marketing and communications. The result was an annual saving of £2.1 million on Haringey’s marketing, design and print activity, representing a reduction in marketing spend of 76%.
An initial review identified the following issues as targets for improvement:
fragmented, inefficient and labour-intensive systems and working processes
a large volume of poorly briefed, unplanned and urgent work
high cost of in-house and out-sourced design and print
poor reputation of marketing communications services within the organisation.
To meet these targets, Haringey Council implemented Panacea Software to cut costs, ensure efficiencies and free up the skilled MCDP staff to take a strategic lead in improving the council’s marketing communications.

During the same period, separate savings targets were met by reducing the MCDP team from 13 staff to seven. Haringey also used Panacea Software to automate the management of language services to meet continuing high demand, while their translation and interpreting team of five was reduced to just two staff.
Panacea Software allows us to make informed decisions, frees up our time to plan marketing activity proactively and has cut the prices we pay for our services by 55-70%.
— Lesley Gordon, Head of Marketing, Haringey Council
The new form is now an integral element of the ordering process and ensures the commissioners of projects use it at the point of requesting work. This has significantly reduced the need for follow-up calls and meetings, ensuring both the client and the communications team save time. Plus, there is no ambiguity as to what is required, thereby fulfilling the client’s brief more rapidly and to the point. It has been a couple of months since deployment of the form and it has been a great success.
Another great piece of proactive work by Panacea to add value for the client.
— Vijendra Tailor, Operations Marketing Officer, Haringey Council