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Quality and Environmental


This policy supports Panacea’s integrated system for managing the quality and environmental impact of its services, as well as fulfilling the requirements of ISOs 9001 and 14001 and perceived best practice. Panacea strives for the continual improvement of its quality and environmental management procedures.


  1. Panacea is dedicated to the pursuit of Quality and Excellence in providing our Customers with the best service that can be accomplished whilst minimising environmental harm.

  2. We recognise that only by achieving Customer satisfaction can we secure the future growth and success of our Company.

  3. The Company and all employees are committed to reducing the environmental impact of the Company's operations. We comply with legal requirements and other requirements to which the organisation subscribes in order to prevent pollution from the Company and, wherever possible, to conserve natural resources.

Panacea’s Responsibilities:

  1. Panacea will supply services which fully conform to Customer requirements and ensure that it’s Integrated Management System meets, and continues to meet, the requirements of ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015.

  2. Panacea is an SME providing Software as a Service. Our business activities have a limited impact on the environment. The vast majority of our work is online, with very few raw materials involved. Our hosting provider operates an ISO 14001:2015 certified environmental management system. Every staff member is both encouraged and proactively engaged to help identify ways to further reduce the environmental impact of our business.

  3. Our corporate Quality and Sustainability objectives form an important part of our wider long-term corporate strategies. These strategies consider the continuing improvement of the Service a key factor in sustaining and enhancing business performance and profitability. We aim: a) to create and maintain awareness of Customer requirements and expectations as well as Environmental legal and regulatory requirements. b) to consistently and fully satisfy Customers’ and other interested parties’ Environmental requirements in accordance with our commitment to best practice. c) to employ staff, organise practices and offer resources in such a way that provides the Customer with an efficient, effective and profitable Service that allows them to fulfil their requirements. d) to reduce any negative impact on the environment caused by the Company’s operations, with a particular interest in reducing Energy Use and exploring Recycling Opportunities. This extends to the Control of Panacea’s Sub-Contractors as well. e) to continually review and monitor all other aspects of Panacea’s operations in order to identify further opportunities for implementing improvements to the company’s Quality and Environmental performance.

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